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  • Writer's pictureSara Hagmann

Voxel: Our Mission

Voxel Innovations uses pulsed electrochemical machining (PECM) to manufacture high-value metal components without compromise to design complexity or quality.

We seek to be the authority on PECM, developing new electrochemical technologies and deploying those into a production environment.

We are humbly fascinated by PECM: we know and openly share its limitations, but we are driven to redefine those limits so that PECM can be useful to a wider set of customers. This process augments the machining industry in critical ways, and we are eager to impart its benefits.

Our team is both knowledgeable and innovative, and we support them with a growth mindset that pervades our company culture. We experiment with new ideas and methods, go after the hard problems, and see them through until the end.

We engage with our customers with real conversations, starting early in the manufacturing process. We are focused on understanding the broader engineering and economic context surrounding a component and its manufacturing challenge. This empowers us to offer solutions, tailored to our customers, which solve their core issues.

Learn more about our company philosophy and why we chose this industry and name.


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